
Who We Are

The First Suburbs Consortium of Dayton Ohio (FSC-Dayton) is a Council of Governments comprised of elected and appointed officials representing a number of mature and maturing suburban communities in Montgomery County, known as First Suburbs.

Elected and appointed officials may include:

• Mayors

• Council Members

• Township Trustees

• Township Fiscal Officers

• City Managers

• Township Administrators

Who Are Our Member Communities?

Our twelve member communities are among the first suburban communities of Dayton, Ohio, or First Suburbs. Our member communities are diverse, with varying economic and demographic characteristics. First Suburbs Consortium communities represent nearly 290,000 citizens, or over 50% of Montgomery County’s residents.

Each community appoints Representatives and Alternates to serve on the FSC-Dayton Governing Board which then selects a Leadership Team.

What Do We Have in Common?

All FSC-Dayton members have a desire to coordinate with and learn from one another how to address their common challenges and opportunities. Regardless of location or economic status, we share similar challenges of aging infrastructure, aging housing stock, changing demographics, a need for economic redevelopment, lack of funding for projects, and various other issues.

How Do We Help?

We create a strong network of communication and trust among our member communities. We share Best Practices. We work together to advocate for federal and state funded programs for blight removal, business re-vitalization and economic development, as well as in earning our fair share of the already-appropriated money that would help our communities.

Dayton, Ohio

The City of Dayton, incorporated in 1805, is the central city for the Dayton metropolitan region. It is located in Montgomery County, Ohio and has a population of approximately 140,000. Dayton is the cultural center of the region and home to the University of Dayton. Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio’s largest employer, is located nearby. The Wright Brothers invented the airplane here in their bicycle shop. Dayton is well known for innovation and creativity. Other inventions include the automobile self-starter, the mechanical cash register and common items we use every day including the search engine, ice cube trays and the pop top can. This spirit continues today throughout the entire Dayton region. For more information on the City of Dayton, please visit their website.

City of Dayton, Ohio Skyline
City of Dayton, Ohio Skyline

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