Member Communities

The First Suburbs Consortium of Dayton Ohio (FSC-Dayton) is a Council of Governments of twelve Montgomery County member cities and townships with a combined population of nearly 290,000 that are first-ring suburbs of the City of Dayton.

FSC-Dayton strives to establish working relationships within our communities and between our elected state officials and our member communities. We seek regular communication and discussion concerning issues relevant to first ring communities such as declining population, older housing and declining tax bases that are not keeping up with the need to maintain infrastructure and provision of basic services. FSC-Dayton’s focus is primarily on these issues and others which are unique from those of outer ring suburbs.

Centerville – Population 25,156

Clayton – Population 13,235

Harrison Township – Population 21,686

Huber Heights – Population 43,321

Kettering – Population 57,027

Moraine – Population 6,572

Oakwood – Population 9,413

Riverside – Population 24,355

Trotwood – Population 22,959

Vandalia – Population 14,999

Washington Township – Population 37,262

West Carrollton – Population 12,929

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